Get Your Life Transformed for only $247!

Are you tired of living a life that looks good on the outside but feels empty and unfulfilling on the inside? 

Are you haunted by past hurts, betrayals, and traumas that keep you from experiencing true happiness and fulfillment? 

You are NOT alone. I have felt that pain. Which is why I have created "A Complete Emotional Breakthrough." 

I want to coach you toward a better way of living and help you achieve an abundant life as a conqueror! I'm living proof of being emotionally healed.


If you're struggling with the aftermath of painful memories, I want you to know that this course is here to help.


When suffering in silence, it can seem like the pain will never go away. Consequently, ignoring the pain allows it to grow and control your life. Many individuals suffer from the effects of past trauma, which can leave them feeling stuck, exhausted, and on a roller coaster of constant emotional pain.

You may not realize how much past experiences affect your current life. They can limit your success and prevent you from creating the life you deserve. Left unaddressed, this pain can paralyze and prevent you from reaching true happiness and joy.

However, knowing that you don't have to live with your secret hidden pain forever is essential.

The person with the best strategy always wins. 


It doesn't have to be this way.

This course will equip you with the tools necessary to overcome your past and create your new future.

With the course, you'll be guided toward true emotional healing. It can be difficult and painful to confront past experiences, but moving forward and creating the life you deserve is necessary. The course provides a combination of self-study modules, meditations, worksheets, coaching, and guidance to help you develop healthy coping mechanisms and achieve personal growth.

Don't let your past limit your future. This course is perfect for individuals ready to banish those painful memories into the sea of healing and create a life that truly fulfills them. You can finally break free from the chains of emotional pain, and this course is the best place to start.

Invest in yourself and experience the freedom of true emotional healing.

Get the course today and take the first step toward the life you deserve!

Life is all about strategy.

" After taking her 8 week course I have already started becoming a better version of myself "

There is always room for improvement and I wouldn't do it with anyone else other than Kimmy. She's kind, compassionate, really friendly and she makes it really easy to talk to her.  If you want to improve your mindset, rise your vibrations, create the life you want to live and make quantum leaps, Kimmy is your girl!"

- Francine DeCarlo

"She helped me become more confident as a professional "

If you believe you can or believe you can't, you are right. She helped me shift my mind to positive outcomes instead of negative ones. She taught me the power of my words matter. Your word is your wand."

- Elle Pasquarella

This will be YOU AFTER joining the course:


A Complete Emotional Breakthrough

Our modules are strategically designed to guide you through a step-by-step process, addressing
one emotional pattern at a time. This approach allows you to gain clarity and certainty in your journey toward transformation,
just like eating an elephant one bite at a time.

This course is structured to deliver results in as little as 3 to 6 months, provided you dedicate the time, energy, and effort required to succeed. We believe in laser focus and aim to quickly guide you toward achieving the desired results.

Private community

Our private community is where you can share your experiences, receive encouragement and support, and be inspired by others on a similar journey. 

Proven roadmap

Our course is designed to provide a flexible and convenient way to learn at your own pace and schedule. Our pre-recorded modules and meditation are comprehensive resources covering various topics and techniques to help you break free from negative patterns and habits and achieve greater clarity, certainty, and transformation to an emotionally healthier and happier life.

Guided Worksheets

Designed to help you reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and provide you with practical exercises to help you break free from negative patterns and habits. 


Everything You Need To Achieve Your Goal


The Beginning to Emotional Healing

  • Understanding what emotional healing means (video, worksheet)
  • The benefits of emotional healing
  • The different approaches to emotional healing
  • How to identify emotional pain and blocks
  • Creating a healing mindset


Everything You Need For Self-Discovery

  • Understanding self-awareness
  • Identifying the Root of emotional pain
  • Healing limiting beliefs
  • Self-reflection and journaling
  • Building self-esteem and self-worth

Mind Management

  • Understanding the power of thoughts
  • Overcoming negative self-talk
  • Re-framing limiting beliefs and patterns
  • Practicing positive affirmations
  • Visualizing success and healing

Coping Mechanisms

  • Effective stress management
  • Building a support system and
    Healthy coping mechanisms
  • Developing healthy self-care habits
  • Nature therapy and grounding techniques

Dealing With Grief and Loss

  • Understanding the stages of grief
  • Recognizing the impact of trauma
  • Coping with emotional pain
  • Learning to let go
  • Navigating painful memories and anniversaries

Forgiveness and Letting Go

  • Understanding the power of forgiveness
  • Cultivating empathy and compassion
  • Practicing forgiveness toward self and others
  • Healing relationships through forgiveness
  • Letting go of grudges and resentment

Moving Forward

  • Reclaiming personal power
  • Manifesting a positive future
  • Goal setting and self-motivation
  • Creating a self-care plan
  • Accountability and follow-through


  • Understanding the role of relationships in healing
  • Building healthy boundaries
  • Healing broken or strained relationships
  • Empathy and active listening in relationships
  • Communication Tools for happier relationships

Healing Through Creativity

  • Discovering creative expression as a healing tool
  • Healing through art and journaling
  • Using music and dance for healing
  • Mindful creativity for stress reduction
  • Developing your creative healing practice

Self-Love and Acceptance

  • Understanding what self-love and acceptance mean
  • Practicing self-compassion and kindness
  • Healing negative self-talk and distortions
  • Building healthy self-esteem
  • Embracing authenticity and vulnerability

Spirituality and Emotional Healing

  • Understanding spirituality and its role in emotional healing
  • Cultivating mindfulness meditation
  • Developing your spiritual practice
  • Nurturing your inner child
  • Transcending emotional pain through spiritual growth

Building Lasting Habits

  • Identifying obstacles and challenges
  • Building habits that benefit emotional health
  • Embracing lifestyle changes
  • Cultivating a Growth mindset
  • Maintaining emotional wellness for lasting happiness

Your life after taking this course...

  • You will break free from self-sabotage and negative patterns and live a life of empowerment and confidence.
  • You will heal past traumas and emotional wounds and find peace and clarity in your mind and heart.
  • You will discover your purpose and direction in life and unlock your full potential for success and fulfillment.
  • You will cultivate more profound, meaningful relationships and connect with others on a level you never thought possible.
  • You will experience a profound transformation that will positively impact every aspect of your life and create the future you've always dreamed of.

“ Coach Kimmy transformed my life "

She taught me how to strategize and healthily face problems. She is heartwarming, helping anyone in need and following through to get their results.“

- Sara Ward

"She is filled with great concepts of leadership and self-improvement tactics that everyone can benefit from no matter what age or social status. "

"It is my privilege to share how Kimmy has impacted my life and my children. Her passion for challenging her friends to improve their life perspective and become an influence on others in a positive way has motivated me in many aspects of my life. Whether encouraging my parenting style or building my confidence, Kim has always inspired me to keep learning and reaching a higher place.

-Cathy Vargas


Hi, I'm Kimberly!

I'm an Author, Speaker, Salon Owner, and Strategic Life Coach who has been... I want to say, a Hairapist,  throughout my life.

I did many years of Counseling as a hairstylist, and then I came across Coaching in the last seven years, which shifted and transformed my life. It drove me to want to be an incredible Coach. I realized the freedom I found in Coaching instead of Counseling. I spent 20 years in therapy, constantly revisiting my painful past and feeling trapped in a victim mindset. However, coaching completely changed my life. Now, I experience happiness and joy about 95% of the time. This transformation has made me realize the significance of sharing my experience with those who desire and require it.

I have taken a decade of learning and training and turned them into simple, strategic, powerful methods that transform lives.

The ability to shift my perspective on life has allowed me to wake up every day feeling happy and fulfilled - something that I never dreamed was possible.

That ultimately drove me to become a Coach. I realized that other people want and need the same freedom I found. I love transforming complex theories and ideas into simple, strategic, and powerful methods that can genuinely change lives.

Drawing on my decade of knowledge and experience. I have turned those lessons into a course that can help others break free from their pasts, regain control of their lives, and experience the same sense of happiness and fulfillment that I have found. So, if you're tired of feeling stuck, let's work together to create a better and brighter future for you.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are unwilling to invest in your well-being by putting in the time, energy, and effort.
  • You have trouble following through on commitments.
  • You expect others to do the work for you.
  • You expect to achieve goals without putting in the necessary effort, like hoping to gain muscles without going to the gym.
  • You are unwilling to take responsibility for creating positive changes in your life.

This is for YOU if:

  • You are willing to make a conscious effort to achieve a higher level of happiness and fulfillment in life.
  • You are willing to utilize your thinking mind are prepared to dedicate time and energy towards your growth.
  • You realize you have more potential within yourself but need support and guidance in unlocking it.
  • You seek a supportive environment where you can find love, belonging, and a sense of community.
  • You are open to change, ready to take action, and looking to create positive shifts in your life.

Are you ready to experience this remarkable outcome in your life? 

If you're ready to take control of your life and unleash your full potential, I invite you to enroll in the course. Together, we will create a roadmap to your success, unlock your inner power, and achieve the life you've always dreamed of. Don't wait any longer to start living your best life - let's get started today.



One Time Payment

  • Enjoy lifetime access to 8 modules, featuring over 50+ video lessons, to help you achieve a comprehensive emotional transformation.
  • Printable Training Course Materials + Worksheets + Personalize Journal.
  • Includes meditations, affirmations, and personality assessment tools to memorize and print.
  • Monthly Group Coaching or 1-on-1 calls w/ Kimmy *additional fees apply 
  • Exclusive community of like-minded individuals
  • Exciting bonuses that will help you stay motivated.













" I didn't even know it was time for me to make a change until I met Kimmy "

She is the sweetest, most gentle, compassionate human I've ever known. She is a great leader and source of inspiration to anyone that knows her. After a few brief chats, I knew she would be the perfect someone I needed that I knew I could trust to help coach me through my toughest times. Kimmy teaches you who you really are, shows you your potential that's been locked inside of you, and supplies you with the knowledge and tools to conquer your hardest hardships. If there is anyone that can motivate you to change your life, it is Kimmy."

- Nick Belmonte

" She believes in you more than you believe in yourself "

Persevering, She can pull out your strength and your potential. She has the ability to see. She follows through. She does not let you off the hook. She pushes you to take courageous steps toward your empowerment."

- Marybeth Roberts

" Kimmy loves to empower others to reach their maximum potential "

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Kimmy for over a decade. Most recently, our paths crossed again during a time in my life when I was doing a lot of soul searching. Through her guidance, determination, and faith, Kim was a tremendous support to me throughout this process. Although more continues to be revealed, I think of simple things Kim taught me often - like “I don’t know what I don’t know” and “I can’t pour from an empty cup”. These simple slogans prove to be just as true in my life today. I believe I will always be a work in progress with endless room for improvement, but I’m grateful to feel like I’m on my way to becoming the best version of myself. Kimmy’s heart of gold, relentless encouragement, intentional planning, and zest for life and helping others, is apparent within moments of meeting her. I will always cherish our time together."

- Tiffany Johnson