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Are you ready for a total emotional makeover in your life? 

If you are someone who craves more fulfillment and satisfaction in life, then this is the perfect virtual gathering for you.

We have meticulously crafted this webinar with individuals like you in mind – those who aspire to unlock their full potential and attain success not only in their professional pursuits but also in their personal endeavors.

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Master Your Mind

Shift Your Mindset

Monetize Your Expertise

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If you're looking for a way to break free from the limitations holding you back, you're in the right place. 

Throughout this event, we will dive deep into the crucial aspects of cultivating emotional resilience and nurturing self-love. These are essential pillars that lay the foundation for personal growth and lasting positive transformation.

Our expert speaker, Coach Kimmy, is equipped to provide valuable insights, practical techniques, and actionable strategies to guide you on your journey towards self-discovery and self-empowerment. 

  • Transformative Mindset Strategies

  • Accelerated Personal Development

  • Unlock Professional Success

  • Enhanced Emotional Resilience

  • Discover the tools to bounce back from setbacks
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The 90-Minute Webinar Will Be On August 20th
at 8:30pm EST.

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Hi there, I'm Kimberly!

I’m an Author, Speaker, Salon Owner and Strategic Life Coach, who has been … I want to say, a “Hairapist” throughout my life.

I did many years of Counseling as a hairstylist, and then I came across Coaching in the last seven years, which shifted and transformed my life. It drove me to want to be an incredible Coach. I realized the freedom I found in Coaching instead of Counseling. I spent 20 years in therapy, constantly revisiting my painful past and feeling trapped in a victim mindset. However, coaching completely changed my life. Now, I experience happiness and joy about 95% of the time. This transformation has made me realize the significance of sharing my experience with those who desire and require it.

I love to take a decade of learning and training and turn them into simple, strategic, powerful methods that transform lives.

More About Me

After Joining This Webinar You Will Be

1. Empowered

You will feel a newfound sense of empowerment as you break free from self-limiting beliefs and gain control over your thoughts and actions. Armed with a growth-oriented mindset, you'll approach challenges with confidence and determination, ready to take on any obstacle that comes your way.

2. Transformed

You will experience a profound transformation in various areas of your life. Whether in your career, relationships, personal goals, or overall well-being, you'll witness positive shifts leading to greater success and fulfillment.

3. Equipped with Tools for Lifelong Growth

The insights and practical techniques you acquire in this webinar will be valuable tools for lifelong growth and development. You'll have a solid foundation to continue expanding your mindset, achieving your dreams, and reaching new heights in the future.

Join The Webinar Now!



"It is my privilege to share how Kimmy has impacted my life and my children. Her passion for challenging her friends to improve their life perspective and become an influence on others in a positive way has motivated me in many aspects of my life. Whether encouraging my parenting style or building my confidence, Kim has always inspired me to keep learning and reaching a higher place."

- Cathy Vargas

" I didn't even know it was time for me to make a change, until I met Kimmy. She is the sweetest, most gentle, compassionate human I've ever known. She is a great leader and source of inspiration to anyone that knows her. After a few brief chats, I knew she would be the perfect someone I needed that I knew I could trust to help coach me through my toughest times. Kimmy teaches you who you really are, shows you your potential that's been locked inside of you, and supplies you with the knowledge and tools to conquer your hardest hardships. It's truly incredible. If there is anyone that can motivate you to change your life, it is Kimmy."

- Nick Belmonte 

"Coach Kimmy is someone who can energize a new you. She is someone who has always had a big ear for listening while offering biblical and structural guidance for those around her in need. For all the struggles I have been through in my life, Coach Kimmy always had direction for me to get stronger and push myself."

- Daryl C. March

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Start living beyond your dreams!

The webinar has been designed for those seeking more in their life.

This is for those who desire to unlock their full potential and achieve success in both their personal and professional lives. If you're feeling stuck and seeking ways to break free from self-limiting beliefs for personal growth, then this is perfect for you!









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